chILL "In Your Spine"-promojulkkarikeikka w/ SAASTA & Lines Of Leaving
05.02.2010 Morgan Kane, Mänttä.
Päivä alkaa huonoilla uutisilla Vilppulasta. chILL`n treenikämpillä, rumpali Mika ilmoittaa onnistuneensa rikkomaan basarinsa kalvon. Onneksi SAASTAn kosketinsoittaja Teemu toimii osa-aikarumpalina ja onnistuu kaivamaan jostain lähes uuden veroisen. Asiastahan olisi voinut kehkeytyä isompikin ongelma, sillä eihän tästä kyläpahaisesta löydy enää minkäänlaista musiikkiliikettä (huom. kaksi kyläpahaista yhdessä ei tee vielä suurkaupunkia). Mutta ongelma hoidossa ja vielä aikaa viime hetken pikatreeneille.
Homma toimii kuten tapana on ja "pääsemme" pakkamaan kamoja autoon ja ottamaan suunnan kohti Mäntän Morgan Kanea. About kuuden maissa saapuu paikan päälle miksaaja, sekä PA:sta vastaava Harri Mikkonen. Kamojen kasaamisen ja pakollisen säädön jälkeen päästään viimein tarkistamaan chILL`n soundeja.
"Miksaaja Harri Mikkonen & kaivosmiehen lamppu (tulee vielä tarpeeseen)"

Pakko kyllä myöntää että poikien seiskakieliset murisee taas aikas mukavasti. Rummut potkii niinku pitääkin eikä bassotaiteilija Hellun UUSI bassokaan pahalta kuulosta (mies varmaan vaihtaa bassoa useammin kuin pikkuhousuja). Miksaaja-Mikkonen saa mielestäni säädettyä chILL`n soundeista melko tuhdin ja tasapainoisen seoksen.

SAASTAn soundeja ei tietyn minimalistisuuden takia tarvitse kauaa hakea ja lopputulos on jotain kirkasta, kaunista ja kieroa.
"Teemu - SAASTA"
Lines Of Leavingin poikia ei vielä näy, joten päätämme lähteä viereiseen Cantina Carambaan safkaamaan. Lines Of Leaving saapuu paikalle about yhdeksän maissa, jolloin pojat pääsevät hakemaan soundiaan ja kyllähän se sieltä aika helposti löytyykin.

Ovet avataan melko pian tsekin jälkeen ja väkeä rupee pikkuhiljaa valumaan sisälle. Puolen yön aikoihin Lines Of Leaving aloittaa settinsä, mikä koostuu lähinnä bändin uudesta materiaalista. Uudet biisit kuulostavat vähintäänkin mielenkiintoisilta ja Nipan screamit / korinat / huudot / (whatever the fuck you wanna call it) kuulostavat helvetin hyvältä... odotan kyllä innolla bändin uutta tuotantoa. Yleisökin tuntuu nauttivan, jota tulee koko ajan lisää tasaisen tappavaan tahtiin. Kun kello lyö yksi on aika kiivetä Teemun kanssa lavalle ja aloittaa SAASTAn setti.

Uudet biisit toimivat livenä erittäin hyvin ja vaikka suvantokohtiakin löytyy paljon, setti on todella hengästyttävä (propsit vaan kaikille, ketkä jaksoivat riehua koko keikan eturivissä). chILL`n keikat sujuvat yleensä omalla raskaalla painollaan, ilman liikaa sunnittelua, musiikin ehdoilla ja täydellä heittäytymisellä. Koska musiikki sanelee käytöksen lavalla, meininki voi kehkeytyä keikoilla paikoitellen melko hektiseksi ja hyvä niin. Kroppa kyllä yleensä kertoo seuraavana aamuna keikan kovuudesta ja olo on vähintäänkin rikkinäinen.

Illan biisilista näytti seuraavalta:
Rotten Apples
Shallow Waters
Paranoid Like Me (miska korn)
A Beautiful Mess (hullubassoproge)
Morreal (eero uus)
Pure Hearts and Dirty Minds (hellu uus)
The Last Time Till The Next Time (miska vanha uus)
Break Some More (miska uus)
+ Below (encore)

Illan biisilista näytti seuraavalta:
Rotten Apples
Shallow Waters
Paranoid Like Me (miska korn)
A Beautiful Mess (hullubassoproge)
Morreal (eero uus)
Pure Hearts and Dirty Minds (hellu uus)
The Last Time Till The Next Time (miska vanha uus)
Break Some More (miska uus)
+ Below (encore)
(Ps. suomenkieliset nimet ovat listassa siksi, että bändin muutkin pojat tietävät missä mennään)
Mukava huomata että paikkakuntalaisia vielä kiinnostaa hyvä livemusiikki ja saapuihan paikalle paljon porukkaa muualtakin mm. Tampereelta. Kaikille paikalle päässeille iso kiitos ja kaikki kunnia... varsinkin kaikille, ketkä raahautuivat eturiviin asti riehumaan meidän kanssa. Nähdään seuraavan kerran 12.3 Tampereella, Ravintola Rumassa. Livenä chILL + SAASTA.
Hajotaan vähän lisää.
Hajotaan vähän lisää.
-Jouni Rantanen
Erityiskiitokset vielä seuraaville tahoille:
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane, omistajat & henkilökunta
Harri Mikkonen
Lilli / Vilppulan nuorisotoimi
Juho Loijas
Jani Heittola
Tarpeellisia linkkejä:
chILL In Your Spine
chILL myspace
SAASTA myspace
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane, omistajat & henkilökunta
Harri Mikkonen
Lilli / Vilppulan nuorisotoimi
Juho Loijas
Jani Heittola
Tarpeellisia linkkejä:
chILL In Your Spine
chILL myspace
SAASTA myspace
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane

chILL "In Your Spine"-record release party w/ SAASTA & Lines Of Leaving
05.02.2010 Morgan Kane, Mänttä.
The day starts with bad news from Vilppula. At chILL`s rehearsal space, chILL`s drummer Mika has managed to break his bass drum head. Luckily SAASTA`s keyboardist Teemu is a part-time drummer and is able to get Mika a barely used bass drum head. This virtually small problem could have easily evolved into a bigger one, considering this small town doesn`t have any kind of music gear store anymore (two small towns put together don`t make a big city). Problem solved and there`s still time for a quick last minute rehearsal.
Some tight shit as always so we "get" to pack our stuff to the van and head for Mänttä`s Morgan Kane. About 6pm our mixer slash PA equipment provider Harri Mikkonen arrives at the scene of the crime. After all the equipment are in place we finally get to check chILL`s sounds.
"Mixer-Mikkonen and his miner headlamp (the lamp will come in handy later on)"
"Morgan Kane`s stage in all it`s glory"
I have to admit, as always the guys` 7-stringers got a really crunchy sound. Mika`s drums blast as they should and ain`t nothing wrong with Hellu`s NEW bass` sound either (I swear the man probably changes his bass more often than his panties). I think Mikkonen, our mixer for the night, is able to adjust a balanced, really full and thick sound for chILL.
"Eero & Hellu - chILL"
"Jouni - chILL / SAASTA"
"Miska - chILL"
"Mika - chILL"
Considering the certain minimalisticity of SAASTA, it doesn`t take too long to find a good sound and the outcome is something clear, beautiful and strange.
"Teemu - SAASTA"
The guys of Lines Of Leaving are nowhere to be seen so we decide to head out to eat to next door Cantina Caramba. About 9pm Lines Of Leaving arrive at the site and start to search for their sound, which they find pretty easily.
The doors are opened soon after the soundcheck and people start roaming in. At about midnight Lines Of Leaving start their set, which consists mostly of their new songs. The new songs are very interesting, to say the least and Nipa`s screams sound really good... looking forward to the new material with great anticipation. The audience too seems to enjoy, which is growing in numbers all the time. When the clock hits 1am it`s time to take the stage with Teemu and start SAASTA`s set.

It`s a nice variety to chILL`s gigs , almost like a vacation not needing to scream and mosh yourself sick. SAASTA`s music could be described (he who dares) as finnish grunge acoustically on guitar and keyboards. The set consists of songs from the upcoming EP "Harmaaseen Hukkumassa". Songs are "Pinnan Alla", "Usva", "Ihmisten Silmissä" and "Pelkkää Pintaa" plus a couple of covers: Nine Inch Nails "Hurt" and the last song of the set, chILL`s old song "While".
At the end of "While", the missing members of chILL climb the stage and join the song. Immediately on to the first song of chILL`s set "Rotten Apples" from the new promo " In Your Spine" and things get really heated up.

Just when the vocals of the song starts (or they should start) I manage to detach the microphone`s cord (happens atleast once on every show). Once Teemu has finished playing the keyboards for "Rotten Apples" his job for the night is over and he leaves the stage with loud applause. After the second song "Shallow Waters", the most perceptive people in the audience notice that the chILL-flag is still rolled up. Audience shouts: "Flag down!" and Hellu does what his told (perhaps too literally) and tears the flag down to the ground. Fuck the flag. Everybody knows what band is on stage.
It`s nice to notice after a 9 month break from shows, that the band is still rolling hard and heavy... even harder and heavier than before. It`s on until halfway through the set, at the end of a song, all the power suddenly goes out from the bar (Mikkonen`s miner headlamp comes in handy right about now).
Perfect darkness and perfect ending for a song. The audience agrees and responds with huge applause, maybe because we finally stopped making noise or maybe because they thought the blackout was part of the show... which it actually was. Just a few minute break to catch your breath and it`s time to restore the power and get on with the set.

The new songs work really well live and although they have lots of mellow parts, the set is really exhausting (props out to everyone who had the stamina to rock out in the front row the whole gig). Music dictates our behaviour on stage so our shows can get pretty hectic sometimes and it`s all good. chILL`s gigs usually live a life of their own, without too much planning, on music`s conditions and with total commitment. Your body usually tells you the next morning how rough the gig was and you feel broken, to say the least.

It`s nice to notice that the people of this town are still interested in good live music. The event attracted a lot of people from other towns too, like Tampere. A great big thanks and all the glory to everyone who attended... especially all of those who were at the front row going crazy with us. See you next time 13th of March in Tampere @ Restaurant Ruma. chILL + SAASTA live.
Let`s break some more.
The night`s setlist looked something like this:
Rotten Apples
Shallow Waters
Paranoid Like Me
A Beautiful Mess
Pure Hearts and Dirty Minds
The Last Time Till The Next Time
Break Some More
+ Below (encore)
Special thanks to:
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane, owners and staff
Harri Mikkonen
Lilli / Palis
Juho Loijas
Jani Heittola
Necessary links:
chILL In Your Spine
chILL myspace
SAASTA myspace
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane

chILL "In Your Spine"-record release party w/ SAASTA & Lines Of Leaving
05.02.2010 Morgan Kane, Mänttä.
The day starts with bad news from Vilppula. At chILL`s rehearsal space, chILL`s drummer Mika has managed to break his bass drum head. Luckily SAASTA`s keyboardist Teemu is a part-time drummer and is able to get Mika a barely used bass drum head. This virtually small problem could have easily evolved into a bigger one, considering this small town doesn`t have any kind of music gear store anymore (two small towns put together don`t make a big city). Problem solved and there`s still time for a quick last minute rehearsal.
Some tight shit as always so we "get" to pack our stuff to the van and head for Mänttä`s Morgan Kane. About 6pm our mixer slash PA equipment provider Harri Mikkonen arrives at the scene of the crime. After all the equipment are in place we finally get to check chILL`s sounds.

I have to admit, as always the guys` 7-stringers got a really crunchy sound. Mika`s drums blast as they should and ain`t nothing wrong with Hellu`s NEW bass` sound either (I swear the man probably changes his bass more often than his panties). I think Mikkonen, our mixer for the night, is able to adjust a balanced, really full and thick sound for chILL.

Considering the certain minimalisticity of SAASTA, it doesn`t take too long to find a good sound and the outcome is something clear, beautiful and strange.

Let`s break some more.
The night`s setlist looked something like this:
Rotten Apples
Shallow Waters
Paranoid Like Me
A Beautiful Mess
Pure Hearts and Dirty Minds
The Last Time Till The Next Time
Break Some More
+ Below (encore)
Special thanks to:
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane, owners and staff
Harri Mikkonen
Lilli / Palis
Juho Loijas
Jani Heittola
Necessary links:
chILL In Your Spine
chILL myspace
SAASTA myspace
Lines Of Leaving
Morgan Kane